Monday, September 12, 2016

Transfers September 2016

The newest missionaries to join the GKLM arrived Monday, September 5, 2016.............

Just learned something new..........Uploading pictures to the blog from my I-phone makes them appear grainy.  SORRY!

Front Row L to R: Sister Mitchell, Sister Williams. Sister Shepherd, Sister McKnight, Sister Stanley, Sister Hoyt, Sister Brough and Hermana Rodriguez.
Second Row L to R: Elder Frigetto, Elder Davies, (photo bombing AP Moyer) Elder Ludlow, Elder Stevenson, Elder Moody, Elder Young and President Brough.  WELCOME!

The Missionaries returning HOME -

L to R: Hermana Butterfield, Sister Windley, Sister Jensen, Elder Petersen, Elder Andrews, Elder Thorson, Elder Sauter and Elder Johnson.  Not Pictured Elder Durfee, Elder Gaskin, and Elder Murdoch-They left 2 weeks early to get into school.  We love you and miss you already!

Friday, September 9, 2016

MLC August 30, 2016

With new missionaries coming next monday, we had to have Mission Leasdership Council on the 31st of August.




Monday, September 5, 2016

August 2016 New MIssionary Training

Well, it's that time again when we go out into the mission field to check on and TRAIN the NEW Missionaries.  With 28 NEW misionaries, we held 3 training sessions.  The first was held Friday August 26, 2016 in Lexington KY.

On Monday, August 29,2016, we visited and TRAINED in Louisville KY.

And the last training was held Wednesday, August 31, 2016 in Evansville IN.

We do LOVE these MIssionaries!

MLC August 3,2016

Our August MLC was changed from Tuesday to Wednesday, August 3, 2016,  due to the fact we are going online as a Mission.  The Mission Depatrment Sent Brother Radford and Brother Roberts to watch us train the MLC.  Then, they visited Zone Trainings to see HOW the Zone Leaders trained the Mission.  We are a TEST mission for online proselyting.

Here we are..........

Watch for posts on your Missionaries Facebook page!

New Missionary Training - July 2016

Our first day of New Missionary Training was held July 12, 2016 in Evansville IN -

Just Look "HOW" excited these Missionaries are to be here in the GKLM!

Our second day of New Missionary Training was held July 13, 2016 in Lexinton KY.

Thanks parents for sharing your Missionaries with us.......We LOVE them!